QIV Exclusive Sample Development Services
QIV Exclusive Services, we offer sample development services as per the client’s protocol and applicable testing method so that the sample meet all quality requirements and get pass result easily through third-party lab test.
It will be beneficial to the factories to understand whether their developed sample is meeting buyer’s requirements and based on quality sample development they can take decisions in advance and organize the production materials and other required tools in advance.
By having our exclusive services, factories may not require to develop further samples and retest.

Mold Testing

Critical Stages of Mold Prevention

  • Sourcing of raw materials and semi-finished products
  • Production environment specially Air, Room etc
  • Storage during all production phases
  • Washing/pressing processes
  • Packaging
  • Container shipping


Mold Related Tests

– Mold Testing

– Mold History

– Spore Testing

Mold Assessment

QIV offers Mold Collection, Analysis services wide range.

Collection of Mold Sample

Our Trained Engineer will visit the factory premises or the location where mold was grown and collect the sample for analysis.


All Oeko-Tex related testing services will be provided through our partner lab in India.

Metal Detection Test

Ensure "Zero" unwanted metal(s) in your garments order.

QIV Metal Detection Test

  1. Broken needles, staples or unwanted metal part could be ended up in the garments during production and packing. The metal detection test detects the existence of metal parts in the manufacture of garments and accessories.
  2. It causes harm to the human body and consider as critical defect which resulting as inspection fail. Finally, it leads to customer to reject the goods shipment.
  3. QIV Global has developed metal detection test process more precisely which applies to apparel garments including accessories, glove, scarf etc.

Lab Development Services

QIV offers textile laboratory development services by package or partly development. We also work on the development of the brand’s protocol to get their approval besides ISO 17025 Accreditation.

Our service covers planning, layout, equipment & consumables list, manpower plan, training, audit documentation etc.

For testing service related query, please write to us: